Monday Morning Hike at Telok Blangah Heights

What is a better way to start off the week than waking up at 6am and going for a hike in the misty morning sun?

Telok Blangah Heights & Henderson Waves blog Findianlife

Nothing, say I! I’m a morning person and waking up early is no problem for me. I actually hate sleeping late, and my friend has given me a nickname “mummo”, which means grandma. 😂

Telok Blangah Heights & Henderson Waves blog Findianlife Telok Blangah Heights & Henderson Waves blog Findianlife

Telok Blangah Heights & Henderson Waves blog Findianlife

We walked up on the Telok Blangah hills and Henderson waves. I just love the view from up here!

Just a small hike makes you sweat like crazy in this weather. It’s already getting super hot in Singapore even early in the morning, but in the forest with all the vegetation it’s much cooler and shaded from the sun.

Telok Blangah Heights & Henderson Waves blog Findianlife Telok Blangah Heights & Henderson Waves blog Findianlife

My soul is resting here.

Peace and love and have a great week ahead 😊

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